Changing Brain Group
University of Jyväskylä

Welcome to the 'Changing Brain' research group's website!
Our group aims to enhance the interpretability of brain imaging measures, thereby advancing neuroscience knowledge, particularly in clinical, developmental, and educational contexts. We employ a range of techniques, including MEG, EEG, fMRI, and physiological recordings, to investigate phenomena within the central and autonomic nervous systems that contribute to individual experience and cognitive performance. Our focus lies particularly in examining changes in the brain, both in the short and long term. We seek to understand the mechanisms and trajectories of child brain development: how society becomes wired into our brains. Additionally, we investigate how interactions between the body and brain systems – both generally and during short- and long-term exercise – influence the brain, performance, and individual experience. Ultimately, our research contributes to a deeper understanding of neuroscience, particularly concerning individual and developmental variation.
Principal Investigator
PhD candidates
Krista Lehtomäki
Nooa Kivikangas
Dr. Pessi Lyyra
Juha Leukkunen
Dr. Ilona Ruotsalainen
Dr. Doris Hernandez Barros
Dr. Sam van Bijnen
Dr. Lili Tian
Erkka Heinilä
Tuomas Puoliväli
Ole Hausendorf
Casper Olaf Smulders